Wednesday 26 March 2014

Port Moresby’s Naturalised and Exotic Wonder

By Dennis Badi

The most noticeable may shy away from the glare of publicity, and if it was a tree, it would be a Neem tree.

Neem trees are synonymous with Port Moresby, apart from the conspicuous grasslands and equlyptus flora that often straddle the city’s monotonous landscape.  Neems are fast growing, drought-resistant, and found in the obvious and inundated habitations of the city’s forte.
Neem trees at the NRI campus                                                   Photo by D. Badi
The campus of the National Research Institute also abounds with this tropical tree, an exotic wonder, as few are acquainted with its use. However their acceptable maintenance including those of other flora, exemplifies a diaphanous campus life under Dr. Thomas Webster and his team of industrious grounds staff.
Dino and Jacob, NRI green fingers, seen here hard at work                                 Photo by D. Badi
In the former times the campus flora, a fusion of exotic and native wonders, used to be enclosed and hidden away behind hard-to-see-thru fences. Not anymore. The public now sees beyond this compound, and perhaps it is inevitable that a naturalised flora like Neem protrude to the occasion.

Neems are objects of pleasure, with a reddish crown, white flowery and smooth-olive-like drupes are as good as its shade-giving and beauty role. Still little is known about its uses and products hence plant taxonomy is essential learning. Since PNG has a fountain of plant-life, there’s more to our unique floral pleasures than what meets the eye.

A Neem is botanically known as Azadirachta indica in the mahogany family Meliaceae. They are described by many names - miracle tree, Nimtree, Nymph tree, Indian Lilac or mosquito tree in respect of its use and where it’s originated. Neem is the tree’s common name, derived from India where the tree is a native and an official tree in one if its provinces.

Port Moresby is now the adopted home for Neems. These now naturalised residents can be seen shade-lining streets, around churches, near schools or in people’s backyards. During dry seasons, Neems shed most or nearly all of their leaves. Research claimed that the fallen leaves from a Neem tree can improve soil fertility and enhance water holding capacity. In a book “Neem, Treatise” edited by K.K. Singh, explains the significant role Neem plays on agro forestry and land rehabilitation.

Likewise the United Nations has declared Neem as “Tree of the 21st Century” as the world’s most research tree and its significant role in improving lives especially in developing countries. Earliest documentation of Neem revealed that various parts of the tree, which includes the fruit, leaves, seed-oil, roots and bark, have benefitted humanity for more than 4500 years. More so, a book by Bethany Albert “Village volunteers” maintained that an extract, or chemical compound, called salannin from the neem leaves, is a safer and more effective insect repellent, hence the name “mosquito” tree.
Neem seed                                              Photo by D. Badi
In India, the tree traditionally serves as a “village pharmacy” for treatment of skin problems, leprosy, making soap and other purposes like timber. It is also an effective insecticide where Neem-seed-derived oil is sprayed on plants to prevent damage from insects.

Neems are currently trialed at Laloki by the National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI). This government research facility is training rural farmers to use Neem-seed-derived oil as an environmentally friendly plant-pesticide. The extraction is a discrete process as observed during an experiment at Bagoiudu in Central.
Neem tree cultivated at NRI campus                                             Photo by D. Badi
Dry Neem seeds (100 grams) are collected, crushed and mixed with one match-box size grated soap flakes. This mixture is eventually poured into one litre of water, then stired and left for overnight with a plastic lid covering. Lastly the mixture is strained and sprayed immediately on people’s garden.

Neem does not directly kill insects on the crop. It acts as an anti-feedant and repellent, protecting the crop from damage by caterpillars, leafhoppers, beetles and other insect pests on leafy vegetables. The insects starve and die within a few days. Neem also suppresses the hatching of pest insects from their eggs.

Unique is this tree. But for many people who have set eyes or have passed by every Neem tree, from Boroko Food-World drive or along a favourite street, seldom make out their presence. Perhaps they are introduced that brings out a cautionary reminder about all exotic floras.

Exotic plants (and also animals) are brought into the country by humans or natural means, either by accident or on purpose. They can spread if not contained at an early stage, causing population demise of native flora and the eco-system. At times these plants are described as invasive aliens or biological pollutants.

The Neems are perhaps not a direct threat yet to Port Moresby’s plant-life. But in Australia and parts of Middle East and Africa, the Neem is considered a dreadful weed. Apart from being fast growing, Neem thrives well on harsh conditions, hence giving the tree an edge over the local flora.

A good example is Piper aduncum, also known as Piper tree or daka diwai. The tree was introduced in the coastal areas, and not contained, has now spread up to the cooler highlands not short of warming temperatures and a construction boom.  

It is advisable to contact NARI or PNG Forest Research Institute for more information about the nature of Neem, its properties and also practical advice about using parts of the tree. Investing in trees is a joyous experience and an improved city. Then again it’s good to be wary about exotic plants, and for Neem it is performing well against contenders in Port Moresby’s shade and beauty spectacle.   

He that planted a tree is a servant of God, he provided a kindness for many generations, and faces that he had not seen shall bless him. (Henry Van Dyke)

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